Young Cookley is a community and resident lead network which aims to connect, support and promote Cookley based organisations, groups, facilities, enterprise and volunteers.


To increase opportunities and activities for children and young people, aged 0-19, across the village of Cookley - utilising a range of facilities and spaces and adopting an asset based community development approach.

To connect, support, increase capacity and promote groups and organisations engaging in work with children and young people across Cookley.

To develop young volunteer opportunities and training - to inspire a new generation of Cookley active citizens.

To connect local Cookley groups, and organisations to share resources, deliver joint events and fundraising activities.

To connect local Cookley groups and organisations to co-ordinate grant and funding opportunities.

To boost training, education, volunteering and work opportunities for members of the local community delivering activities for children and young people. Upskilling and capacity building a local workforce.

To develop and deliver intergenerational projects that bring the generations together in order to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes and improve generational relationships and community cohesion.